Incontinence often is an issue for women as they age, especially after having a baby. Since your uterus sits right on top of your bladder, its use over time can play havoc with the pressure placed on your bladder, causing uncomfortable or even dangerous urinary tract issues. Your symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by a physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. They may be a sign of a severe illness or condition.
Urodynamics is a testing process aimed at evaluating the health of your bladder and urinary tract.
Your specialist at the gynecology office must have a clear picture of your urinary functions when testing for conditions such as”
Developing a treatment plan is difficult without a proper diagnosis that your OBGYN can get from urodynamic testing.
Why Undergo Urodynamic Testing?
The term urodynamics refers to various tests designed to examine how your entire urinary tract system works together. In addition to testing your bladder function, urodynamics examines your urethra and sphincters. Most of the urodynamic tests aim to focus on your bladder’s ability to hold urine and how steadily you can empty your bladder. Urodynamic bladder tests also can tell your doctor whether involuntary contractions in your bladder are the leading cause of urine leakage.
Our doctor may schedule urodynamic testing for several reasons. When your doctor rules out other common dysfunctions, urodynamic tests can help find a cause for complaints you may have, such as:
- Problems completely emptying your bladder
- Incontinence
- Urinating too often
- Having strong urges to urinate that come on suddenly, but nothing comes out when you try.
- Difficulty starting a stream of urine
- Painful urination
- Continuing issues with urinary tract infections
Urodynamics offers a range of tests performed when all other possible explanations have proved fruitless, and you haven’t responded to typical treatments for common conditions such as overactive bladder syndrome.
Various Tests Available
Urodynamic tests available to our gynecologists can include such tests as having your OBGYN watch you urinate to monitor the stopping and starting of your flow and your ability to control it. This basic urodynamic test records the amount of urine you produce, the time it takes to void your bladder, and your capacity or lack of strength to stop and start your urine stream.
Other tests, which may require a more extended stay in the office (an hour or more), can include the use of precise diagnostic equipment. Your doctor may insert imaging devices into your bladder for a view of its inside. The specialist may perform a bladder pressure test with sensitive monitors inserted in your bladder. Ultimately, the most appropriate doctor-prescribed urodynamic tests you need to undergo.
Specific urodynamic tests might also include:
- Uroflowmetry is a non-invasive test that aims at measuring the speed and volume of urine you produce. You can do it in the office, usually behind a privacy screen. Urinating over specially designed equipment that relays the information to a computer screen is essential to take the test.
- Cystometric tests. You may undergo it in your gynecologist’s office and an outpatient hospital setting or clinic while receiving a local anesthetic. This test measures how much your bladder can store before you feel the urge to go. After you empty your bladder, it’s filled with warm water, and your doctor will ask you to explain how your bladder feels. A small catheter in your bladder and one in your rectum record reactions as well. No recovery time is required, and you’ll experience no side effects from this test.
- Postvoid residual measurement is a test used to measure how much urine is left in your bladder after you go. Ultrasound equipment usually is employed for this test, which your doctor performs in their office or a radiologist’s office. No anesthesia is needed, as ultrasound creates images to produce a clear picture from the outside using a specialized wand rubbed over your skin.
- A pressure flow study aims to determine how much pressure your bladder needs before it signals that it’s ready to be emptied. The test also records what flow rate occurs after different kinds of stress. This procedure is typically done after a cytometric test while you are still under local anesthesia. A tool called a manometer takes the measurements as you empty your bladder.
- Electromyography is a test used if your OBGYN doctor suspects your issues occur due to muscle or nerve damage. This outpatient procedure won’t require anesthesia, as sensors are on your skin. However, you may require local anesthesia if your doctor needs a closer look inside your urethra or rectum through a catheter. A specialized machine records the nerve impulses that your sphincter and bladder receive.
- Video urodynamic tests also call for the insertion of a catheter and so require local anesthesia. These tests, also done in your gynecologist’s office or a clinic, use ultrasound or X-rays to take pictures of your bladder as it fills and empties. The videos and images also can help top-rated Midtown gynecologist get an idea of the shape and size of your bladder to help even more with your diagnosis.
After All the Tests
You may feel some mild discomfort after undergoing a battery of urodynamic tests. Drinking a full glass of water every 30 minutes for two hours after the tests will help you feel more comfortable. A nice, warm bath also may be recommended to help you feel more relaxed and soothe your body parts that have been probed and tested. Every patient is different, and you will need to discuss the plan with your gynecologist.
Have questions about Urodynamics or Urodynamic Testing procedure? Schedule an appointment with one of the best-rated GYN doctors in NYC today! Our gynecology centers are located in Midtown and on the Upper East Side.
Updated on Sep 23, 2023 by Manhattan Women’s Health and Wellness
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(212) 389-1904
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56 W 45th St, Ste 815
New York, NY 10010
(212) 677-7654
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55 W 17th St, Ste 104
New York, NY 10011
(212) 378-9985